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Dust Suppression at Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day 2022

On Wednesday 23rd November, Corgin attended Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day in Cambridgeshire. The purpose of the event was to bring...

Showcasing Dust Suppression at the ClayTech UK 2022 Event

On Thursday 24th November, Corgin attended the ClayTech UK 2022 Event in Nottinghamshire. This event focuses on those involved in handling clay in...

Starting the Year with A Clear Strategy [Video]

As another excellent year gets underway, it's important to step back and take a look at how far we've come and refocus our minds on the goal ahead of...

Talk to the Corgin Team at Hillhead Digital 2021

Well, no one can deny that we're in tough times, and we all know that in tough times, it helps to talk.

A Vision Without a Strategy Remains an Illusion

Corgin staff spent their first day back this year at The Chase Golf Club - not for a relaxing round of golf, but rather for an exhilarating offsite...

Celebrating the Successes of 2018

To say 2018 was a success would be an understatement! The team at Corgin have achieved what we previously doubted was possible, and it wouldn't have...

19 Memories from The Past 1268 Days

As another year draws to a close our minds ponder over the building blocks that have created the exceptional team that we are now.

Hillhead 2018 [Video]

If nothing else, Hillhead 2018 will be remembered for its cloudless skies, unbroken sunshine, and high temperatures—surely the best weather the...

End of Year Surprise

Most companies have an end of year do… the obligatory Christmas menu at a local venue, no fuss, just book and go. A nice thank you at the end of the...

We'll Miss You Cheryl!

After 5 years of dedication and hard work, Cheryl Bricknell, previously responsible for Customer Care and Operations Administration, has left Corgin...

Celebrating Quarter 1 With Easter Eggs

The team were treated to Easter eggs to celebrate the end of a very busy first quarter of 2017. A huge thank you to everyone for hitting a key...

Planning For Growth In 2017

On the 10th of February 2017, the Corgin team assembled at Chasewater Country Park for an Offsite Strategy Session and Teambuilding Day.

Aiming High in 2016

Six senior staff members from Corgin, including the managing director, met together in the heart of the scenic Staffordshire Moorlands to hold their...

Waste '15 Exhibition

Corgin were out in force at the Waste ’15 Exhibition at the A J Bell Stadium in Manchester on Thursday 2nd July, being one of the only exhibitors at...

Roaring Success at Hillhead 2014

Picture the scene…