
I Like How the Nozzles Give Even Coverage!

Posted on Tuesday 5 September 2017

Waste Transfer Station Odour Suppression: AtomisterAiro

Email testimonial received from client:


The new odour suppression system is adequate to the site operation. I like how the nozzles are situated on front, back and side walls, giving an even coverage throughout the reception hall.

When the system is on the odour is strong enough to mask the odour from the Residual waste. Site staff, district council staff, contractors and visitors have all commented how pleasant the citrus odour is.

The system enables us to have either both channels on or one if its needed in a particular area of the reception hall. I have had dealings with your colleagues by way of telephone call and they are helpful, knowledgeable and professional.



[Site Supervisor, County Council Waste Transfer Facility, North East England]