Faye Godden
Outbound Marketing Assistant
Faye Godden
Outbound Marketing Assistant
When did you join Corgin?
June 2023.
What's one thing about your job at Corgin that motivates you?
The team all working together towards the same vision.
What's a book/methodology/piece of advice that has influenced your approach to work?
'Remember where you started, how you started and why you started’. Helps keep things in context and focused 🙂
What's your favourite team tradition or team-building activity at Corgin?
The off-site team day each year.
Which company value resonates with you the most, and why?
Focus On Solutions – the people at Corgin have the knowledge, experience, and great teamwork ethic to figure out any problem that arises and it’s great to be a part of it!
What would be your dream job?
House renovation / Interior Designer.