Jerry Carvell
Environmental Solutions Consultant


Jerry Carvell

Environmental Solutions Consultant

When did you join Corgin?

Jan 2019.

What's one thing about your job at Corgin that motivates you?

Being part of a young and pumped team that’s hungry, humble, and smart!

What's a book/methodology/piece of advice that has influenced your approach to work?

Some of Zig Ziglar’s methods and inspirations have helped me to build and form the way I communicate and work with our clients (which I love doing!).

What's your favourite team tradition or team-building activity at Corgin?

Human pyramids in the office.

Which company value resonates with you the most, and why?

Being great to work with – at the end of the day, people buy from people. This applies to both our internal and external customers. I’m a firm believer in listening, hearing and then building that strong and lasting relationship which then builds trust.

What would be your dream job?

Selling multi-million pound real estate in London.


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