Bruce Bricknell
Managing Director

Bruce Bricknell

Managing Director

When did you join Corgin?

I’ve had the privilege of being at Corgin right from its very first day on 17th April 2001, helping my then employer to get it all started!

What's one thing about your job at Corgin that motivates you?

Having part in shaping the direction and future both of the business and of so many wonderful staff.

What's a book/methodology/piece of advice that has influenced your approach to work?

Before taking over Corgin, I was very fortunate to work for employers who willingly shared their knowledge and experience, while giving me autonomy and entrusting me with real responsibility. I have sought to do the same for my staff, having experienced first hand how it encouraged my development and promoted an owner mindset. And in more recent years, we have found the business advice and support from UBT’s business advisory services absolutely invaluable.

What's your favourite team tradition or team-building activity at Corgin?

I really enjoy our twice-daily team huddles, especially when we get into an interesting discussion or explore our daily Corginspiration topic. But I also absolutely love high-energy, ‘rapid-fire’ meetings where passionate individuals work through a challenge or opportunity to a good result.

Which company value resonates with you the most, and why?

All of them – because they come from my heart! The three permission-to-play values are the basic essentials – indeed for any business – but the core values are what really make a Corgin A-player, someone who shows positivity and passion:

  • Be great to work with
  • Focus on solutions
  • Consistently exceed expectations
What would be your dream job?

I already have it!


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